Rolfing® Structural Integration
Rolfing Structural Integration is a technique that involves the manipulation of fascia, connective and soft tissues to create alignment and balance in the body.
Rolfing Structural Integration is a technique that involves the manipulation of fascia, connective and soft tissues to create alignment and balance in the body.
Injuries, bad posture, and mechanics can cause the body to move dysfunctionally. By releasing old patterns of movement the body is able to move with greater function and ease.
A Rolfing Structural Integration session will differ from Massage Therapy as you will remain partially dressed. There will be minimal to no use of lotions or oils and you will be actively engaging in the session by movement or being asked to pay attention to what you’re experiencing.
We will be addressing the body in how it relates to its parts as a whole to treat root causes and identify movement patterns rather than working solely on making a spot feel better for a day or two.
Ready to schedule a Rolfing session in Anchorage AK? Book online or call us to schedule an appointment.